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Marie Pavel

Marie Pavel
ATIH Teacher Certificate

Melbourne, Victoria
Official E-mail:
Contact phone number:
(61 3) 9587 6475
​Website address : n/a

Licensed and active ATIH teacher

Hi, My name is Marie and I live in "the most liveble city ", Melbourne. I was a passionate FOL facilitator from the mid 1990s and enjoyed every step of the way of enlightening FOL journey; getting to know Drunvalo's work and participating in a number of his workshops together with Frank, my husband. Dru's amazing way of sharing is always inspiring and unforgetable. I have done all I could to pass it on to my FOL students over the years.

I had the chance of bringing Dru to Aussie in November/December 2006; a great privilage for me! Many of us met in beautiful Marysville, Victoria and enjoyed all Dru came to teach us. As time went by, Dru's teachings uplifted into ATIH syllabus.

I participated in the teacher's workshop in Mexico and became an ATIH facilitator. My base is Melbourne, Australia but I travel to other Aussie states when asked tand taught ATIH in other parts of the world, planning to do this for a long time.

This year started well with a January, 2020 workshop but no more after that (yet). However the limitations of 2020 will pass eventually and teachings will continue. On my journey to enlightenment, I studied a number of healing and spiritual subjects....knowing it IS called ‘walking the path.’

I am also an Astrologer /Cosmobiologist from my early adulthood and had the great good fortune to be taught by the best - Doris Greaves who was the best Astrologer in the world (say I). Her dedication was quite legendary and I believe at least some of it rubbed off onto the eager students, including me.

I find Buddhism a fascinating philosophy and had a chance to participate in the teachings given by HH Dalai Lama in his abode, in Dharamsala, India. Another inspiring teacher in my life is Jill Marie, founder of SVH = Serenity Vibration Healing modality, that I also teach .

I brought Jill Marie to Melbourne with the help of a friend and so SVH classes were presented here in my home town since July, 2000. Aspects of all that I do are support the strong message of Drunvalo's work, LIVING IN THE HEART!

I look forward meeting people in my workshops and I like to mention that so far, all people that came to me were able to bring on the light, to do what they came to achieve in this workshop and activated their natural MerKaBa. It is my honour to continue to enlighten more of us with Drunvalo's loving message.

Love and light and blessings to all of us. Marie

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