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Image of the Flower of Life at the temple of Osiris, Abydos, Egypt, courtesy of Mohamed Ibrahim

Awakening the Illuminated Heart (ATIH) officially certified, global teachers list:

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Dana Tir


Dana Tir Mujer Medicina Psicóloga Psicóloga Social Teacher ATIH Teacher EMF Balancing Technique Juntos, desde el Pequeño Espacio del Corazón, acompañamos a la Madre Tierra. Facebook Dana Tir Chamanaurbana Instagram Chamanadana

Mabel Alicia Giorla


Soy Mabel, nací en Argentina, bajo el sol de Leo. Desde temprana edad sentía (ahora lo sé) ese espacio sagrado en el corazón; esa vibración, sentimiento, voz interior que me indicaba hacia dónde... me confirmaba ese sentimiento de que la vida era algo más de lo que me habían contado.... Así a través de los años y la búsqueda llegué a conocer las enseñanzas de Drunvalo a través de videos, y el corazón pulsó fuerte... fuertísimo...un flash verlo... En el año 2000 tomé mi primer taller y en el 2001 pude conocerlo personalmente y compartir un taller avanzado que vino a dar a Argentina con su esposa Claudette y sus dos hijas... De allí en más, la vida, mi vida no volvió a ser la misma.... fue la llave maestra con la que abrí una puerta hacia la sanación, el crecimiento y la conciencia...Todo un aprendizaje, a veces muy doloroso, pero con esa luz y esas herramientas, más la certeza absoluta del corazón de que todo es perfecto, pude transitarlas. Un antes y un después.En 2010, viviendo fuera de mi país, encuentro que en Italia, presentan su nuevo taller y participo... de ahí en más todo se acelera y en 2013 decidí formarme con Drunvalo, en Chapala, para compartir el taller Despertando el Corazón Iluminado, un proceso de recordar como él bien lo define.... No alcanzan las palabras para definir lo que se experimenta.... Es una bendición y una celebración, un honor poder acompañarnos y juntos regresar a ese espacio de puro amor... Una amorosa responsabilidad... Porque, cuando recordamos... nos damos cuenta... vinimos para restaurar el amor, todos maestros, todos chispas Divinas... Cooperación, amor y Unidad. Amo estar en este camino, en estos momentos en la Tierra. Gracias a todos los que me impulsaron, me guiaron, me acompañaron y acompañan en este viaje del corazón.

Natalie Swedosh


Many blessings, I am a psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist and a registered global teacher of ATIH. This work of ATIH Awakening the illuminated Heart is Drunvalo`s advanced training that I have been given the incredible honor of teaching. It is my passion and life's work as a wellness practitioner and teacher to activate and teach others from around the world how to reconnect to their hearts and lead lives that are empowered and fulfilling.

Carolyne Maree Gowen


Carolyne Gowen is a passionate and experienced meditation teacher. Carolyne is a certified teacher for Awakening the Illuminated Heart. She has participated enthusiastically and extensively with Drunvalo Melchelzidek, attending the Flower of Life and the Earth/ Sky/ Living in the Heart workshops in Sydney, America and Spain. She now teaches classes in Sydney, Australia. Carolyne also completed her Meditation teacher training at the Chopra Centre in the US to with Deepak Chopra. She has created the essential step-by-step online course - The Meditation Blueprint - which is a beautiful journey within to contact the stillness to reduce stress and anxiety. Almost one thousand people have attended Carolyne’s meditation classes, including CEOs, entrepreneurs, politicians, doctors, lawyers, parents, school children, people suffering severe depression, anxiousness, cancer patients, other illness and everyone in-between.

Elena Burton


As a certified teacher of Drunvalo Melchizedek’s Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop, I am honored to guide seekers through this transformative journey of reconnecting with the true essence of the heart. My mission is to help people awaken their consciousness, open their hearts, and experience a profound sense of unity and inner peace. With a strong background in psychology and hypnotherapy, I integrate a unique blend of scientific knowledge and spiritual practice to create a supportive and nurturing environment for participants. Over the years, I have trained and worked in Russia, the USA, Australia, and India, gaining a deep understanding of diverse healing modalities and human potential. I believe that true transformation begins within. By working together, we will unlock the innate wisdom of your heart, allowing you to access a state of harmony, joy, and inner guidance. I am here to support you with compassion and respect on this path of self-discovery and growth. If you feel called to embark on this journey, I am here to assist you in experiencing the profound shifts that the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop offers.

Marie Pavel


Hi, My name is Marie and I live in "the most liveble city ", Melbourne. I was a passionate FOL facilitator from the mid 1990s and enjoyed every step of the way of enlightening FOL journey; getting to know Drunvalo's work and participating in a number of his workshops together with Frank, my husband. Dru's amazing way of sharing is always inspiring and unforgetable. I have done all I could to pass it on to my FOL students over the years. I had the chance of bringing Dru to Aussie in November/December 2006; a great privilage for me! Many of us met in beautiful Marysville, Victoria and enjoyed all Dru came to teach us. As time went by, Dru's teachings uplifted into ATIH syllabus. I participated in the teacher's workshop in Mexico and became an ATIH facilitator. My base is Melbourne, Australia but I travel to other Aussie states when asked tand taught ATIH in other parts of the world, planning to do this for a long time. This year started well with a January, 2020 workshop but no more after that (yet). However the limitations of 2020 will pass eventually and teachings will continue. On my journey to enlightenment, I studied a number of healing and spiritual subjects....knowing it IS called ‘walking the path.’ I am also an Astrologer /Cosmobiologist from my early adulthood and had the great good fortune to be taught by the best - Doris Greaves who was the best Astrologer in the world (say I). Her dedication was quite legendary and I believe at least some of it rubbed off onto the eager students, including me. I find Buddhism a fascinating philosophy and had a chance to participate in the teachings given by HH Dalai Lama in his abode, in Dharamsala, India. Another inspiring teacher in my life is Jill Marie, founder of SVH = Serenity Vibration Healing modality, that I also teach . I brought Jill Marie to Melbourne with the help of a friend and so SVH classes were presented here in my home town since July, 2000. Aspects of all that I do are support the strong message of Drunvalo's work, LIVING IN THE HEART! I look forward meeting people in my workshops and I like to mention that so far, all people that came to me were able to bring on the light, to do what they came to achieve in this workshop and activated their natural MerKaBa. It is my honour to continue to enlighten more of us with Drunvalo's loving message. Love and light and blessings to all of us. Marie

Rositta Virag


To come...

Wolfgang Lehmann


Hallo und herzlich willkommen in meinem Profil. Ich heiße Wolfgang Lehmann. Ich freue mich von ganzem Herzen, dass du dich für Atih und meine Tätigkeit als spiritueller Lehrer interessierst. Meine Geschichte beginnt mit meiner Geburt in Salzburg im Jahr 1961. Aufgewachsen bin ich in Kanada und lebe seit 30 Jahren in Österreich. Astrologisch betrachtet bin ich Zwilling im Aszendenten Löwe. Meine Stärken sind nach meinem astrologischen Zeichen die Kommunikation und die Herzensenergie des Löwen. Somit war und ist mein Weg vorgezeichnet. Mein Erwachen hat vor über 25 Jahren mit der Ausbildung zum 1.Reiki-Grad begonnen. Weitere Ausbildungen und Erfahrungen kamen dazu. Ich habe mich auch intensiv mit den indigenen Völkern beschäfigt, so habe ich auch schamanische Ausbildungen bei den Queros, 4Winds machen können. Ergänzend habe ich auch Ausbildungen in russischen Heilmethoden, Klangarbeit absolviert. Beruflich bin ich Sozialpädagoge, Englisch Lehrer und Heilmasseur. Es ist mir immer bewusster geworden, dass die wahre Heilung nur über die Herzensenergie und dem Bewusstsein des Herzens stattfinden kann. In Zeiten wie diesen, in denen wir immer weiter von dieser Qualität weggebracht werden, ist es umso wichtiger diesen Workshop zu erfahren und die daraus erlernten Methoden zu leben. Ich freue mich euch auf diesem Weg des Herzens zu begleiten. Euer Wolfgang Lehman

Beatriz Moldes Ustariz


Conocí las enseñanzas de Drunvalo con el libro “El secreto ancestral de la Flor de la vida”, desde el momento en el que leí ese libro y tuve la enseñanza de la geometría sagrada tuve la certeza de conocer a Drunvalo y estar en sus talleres presenciales. En enero del 2012 asistí a mi primer taller con Drunvalo en Ajijic, Guadalajara, México, el momento en que lo vi por primera vez y nos abrazamos fue maravilloso como si nos conociéramos de toda la vida, movió en mi muchas emociones no pude parar de llorar, fue lo más hermoso que viví, conocí gente hermosa un reencuentro con hermanos, en ese momento quise hacerme maestra y en julio 2013 tome el taller de formación de maestros con Drunvalo.

Eloisa Zarzur Cury


Eloisa Zarzur Cury- Formada em Administração de Empresas pela Universidade Mackenzie SP e trabalha neste ramo desde então. Paralelamente, num sentido de equilíbrio, tem se dedicado ao estudo e pesquisas no campo da espiritualidade há mais de 24 anos, com formação em vários cursos entre eles filosofia, geobiologia (acupuntura da terra), numerologia, técnicas de meditação, runas, cristais, cromoterapia entre tantos outros. Ao tomar contato com o Conhecimento da Flor da Vida, o impacto foi tão grande que a levou a realizar práticas e preparar-se para conhecer Drunvalo Melchizedek pessoalmente nos Estados Unidos. O que mais a atraiu é a Liberdade de Ser e o Respeito pelas diferenças advindas de uma escola que reconhece a Unidade de todas as coisas. ​ A partir daí sentindo a importância e urgência de transmitir este Conhecimento tão Belo da Geometria Sagrada e da Meditação Merkaba, resolveu formar-se como facilitadora autorizada pela Flower of Life no Arizona em 1999 e posteriormente formou-se em 2011 na Escola da Relembrança também de Drunvalo Melchizedek . Hoje se coloca como instrumento para difundir este Conhecimento a todos que por ele se sentirem atraídos. “Fui realmente abençoada ao recordar este Conhecimento tão Belo. Que este Amor se manifeste sobre nós, em nós e por nós”.

Malu Abdalla Renzo


"Hello, I'm glad to assist you in any possible ways regarding the loving and essential teachings of my dear teacher and friend Drunvalo Melchizedek. I truly believe his teachings are a blessing to all life, and to all beings who are sincerely open to remember and to put them into action in their lives. My bio here is in Portuguese, which is my native language, but I can also teach in English and, with a little help, also Spanish. For me it's a privilege and a pleasure to be of service in assisting you to journeying into your Heart and, from there, remembering who you truly are". Formação: Brasileira, neta de imigrantes sírio-libaneses, apaixonada pelo mundo das imagens e suas linguagens, formou-se em ComunicaçãoVisual e Desenho Industrial pela FAAP-Sao Paulo. Em 81, fundou a Ludens Design Studio onde atuou como diretora de criação e consultora em imagem corporativa, criando símbolos e projetos de identidade visual, com o intuito de traduzir em imagens e ambientes, os conceitos, as virtudes e os sonhos de seus clientes. Curiosa desde cedo em conhecer e buscar compreender a trajetória bela e ao mesmo tempo trágica da humanidade, cursou História na USP/SP mas percebeu que não encontraria ali as respostas para o que procurava. Nessa busca de sentido e anseio por aprimorar-se e servir, optou por dedicar-se desde sempre às práticas meditativas e aos caminhos da espiritualidade através de cursos de formação, iniciações e vivências por todo o mundo. Praticou meditações ativas por vários anos, especialmente a Meditação do Giro, ou Whirling, lecionando essa prática nos Estados Unidos, França, México e Brasil. Tendo como meta a expansão da consciência e o auto-conhecimento, passou a dedicar-se à Geometria Sagrada, ao reconhecimento dos moldes e proporções de criação de tudo o que existe, à admiração da perfeição da vida e à ativação amorosa do Corpo de Luz ou MerKaBa. Pesquisou seus benefícios e modalidades juntamente com pesquisas sobre sons e expressões musicais das mais variadas culturas, principalmente os cantos e sons sagrados de cura e harmonização voltados para a cura verdadeira (healing) em diversos níveis. A partir de 2010 dedica-se ao estudo e prática de mantras em Sânscrito. Retornou à universidade e apresentou trabalho de conclusão do 7o semestre de Sânscrito na USP, tratando dos mantras em especial da tradição tântrica clássica não-dual. Reconhecendo a profundidade dessa tradição nascida na India, bem como sua similaridade com os ensinamentos não-duais do coração transmitidos por Drunvalo, passa a aprofundar seus estudos do Śaivismo não-dual, do Tantra Clássico e do Ayurveda diretamente com professores tanto acadêmicos como de linhagem prática. Em 2018, visando atender um público crescente de praticantes-estudiosos no Brasil, passa a desenvolver projetos editoriais de preservação de tradições culturais, desenvolvendo projetos de difusão, tradução e publicação de obras pelo selo Tilakam. Sua história com Drunvalo: O encontro pessoal com Drunvalo Melchizedek se deu em 96. A abertura para o amplo universo da Geometria Sagrada e do MerKaBa (ou Corpo de Luz) foi um marco e um alento, por tratar-se de um conhecimento matriz, que abriga e articula todas as áreas do conhecimento humano. Encontrou-se, segundo suas palavras, "numa escola de conhecimento abrangente, amorosa, onde todos os conhecimentos são acolhidos e respeitados". Os ensinamentos de Geometria Sagrada e do Coração são fundamentais para qualquer caminho de evolução, pelo equilíbrio, clareza e profundidade ao mesmo tempo que de grande simplicidade e compaixão. No contato pessoal com Drunvalo Melchizedek, seu coração confirmou o sentimento de paz e de estar "de volta para casa". Formou-se facilitadora pela "Flower of Life" em 99 no Arizona/EUA e desde então, ministra cursos Flor da Vida com os ensinamentos de Drunvalo Melchizedek no Brasil junto com sua prima e "irmã de alma" Eloisa Zarzur Cury. "Trabalhando com grupos pequenos e muito carinho, são mais de 1000 alunos e amigos que tivemos o privilégio de iniciar no Universo da Geometria Sagrada, na matriz de criação que é a Flor da Vida, na abertura do coração e na ativação do MerKaBa, ou Corpo de Luz". Em Julho de 2011 participa da fundação da nova escola de Drunvalo, a "School of Remembering" (Escola da Lembrança) e gradua-se para ministrar o curso chamado "ATIH - Awakening The Illuminated Heart" ("Despertar do Coração Iluminado"). Como monitora, auxilia na formação de outros professores ATIH no treino internacional subsequente. Desde 2011 vem oferecendo o Curso Despertar do Coração Iluminado em São Paulo e em outros estados brasileiros, juntamente com Eloisa Z. Cury e Nelson Cury. Trata-se de um curso belíssimo, aberto a todos que queiram aprender a criar sua própria realidade conscientemente, amorosamente, e experimentar viver a partir do chamado "Sagrado dos Sagrados": o Pequeno Espaço Sagrado dentro do Coração. Nas palavras de Drunvalo: "O amor que lá existe não conhece limites, fronteiras, condições. Ele só conhece a Unidade e cria apenas para trazer alegria para toda a vida, em todos os lugares". Um convite: "O mundo está ficando cada vez menor, está cada vez mais próxima a possibilidade de nós nos percebermos como uma só família, ou melhor, um só Ser. É minha intenção servir da melhor forma em retribuição a esta oportunidade maravilhosa que é estar aqui presente nesta época tão especial. É meu desejo contribuir para que esta transformação acelerada dos nossos tempos seja vivida de forma desperta e seja celebrada com a alegria dos corações que estão batendo amorosamente além da ilusão das polaridades. É tudo mais simples do que imaginamos. Quer ver? Experimente respirar profundamente olhando com amor nos olhos de quem está à sua frente...". Agradeço sua visita, até breve! Malu Abdalla Renzo Personal Websites: लोकाः समस्ताः सुिखनो भवन्तु lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu |

Nelson Michel Cury


Brasileiro, filho de imigrantes libaneses, batizado católico, fiz minha formação nível médio em colégio católico jesuíta e formação superior em Engenharia Mecânica e sempre me dediquei profissionalmente no ramo industrial. Paralelamente, desde meus 23 anos passei a frequentar uma escola filosófica de controle e desenvolvimento da mente por 10 anos, o que me levou a me dedicar, durante e a posteriori, a estudos sobre autoconhecimento, tais como Numerologia, Cristais, Reiki, Eneagrama, Radietesia/Radiônica, Astrologia da alma, Noções básicas de MTC, etc. Nos anos 90, tive o privilégio de conhecer Drunvalo Melchizedek através dos cursos Flower of Life, depois Earth and Sky/Living in a Heart, para finalmente em 2011, quando da fundação da School of Remembering através do primeiro workshop Awakening the Illuminated (Despertando o Coração Iluminado), e, ao concluir o workshop, tivemos a maravilhosa surpresa: Drunvalo nos contempla com a formação para professor deste belíssimo curso, que tivemos o prazer e a honra de trazê-lo para o Brasil e compartilhá-lo com nossos irmãos brasileiros. E junto com minha esposa Eloisa, e a prima Malu, temos compartilhado esse conhecimento, ao mesmo tempo profundo e leve, onde somos testemunhas vivas das transformações dos seres que nos deram a honra de juntos vivenciarmos experiências sublimes, advindas deste conhecimento! Convido a todos a beberem desta mesma fonte!!!

Sandra Luiza Stocco


Sandra Luiza Stocco- Sou formada em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Paraná, pós-graduada em Direito Tributário, ramo o qual também trabalho sendo Procuradora da Fazenda Nacional no estado do Paraná. Desde criança tinha muita sensitividade, inclusive sensibilidade na percepção onde estava corrente de rios e quando bebê tiveram que mudar o berço de lugar devido a isso. Sou vegetariana desde que nasci. A minha vida espiritual se iniciou desde cedo, com visões e premonições. Aos 13 anos de idade a minha melhor amiga da Turma de inglês, no Curso Interamericano, movia objetos na minha frente e tinha sonhos lúcidos comigo. Aos 22 anos eu tive a experiência de andar sobre brasas, numa vivência onde cantávamos mantras e músicas brasileiras. Em 2013, tive a experiência de levitar deitada em um retiro espiritual. Efetivei meu primeiro curso da flor da Vida foi em maio/2009 com Malu Renzo e Eloísa Zarzur Cury, professoras e facilitadoras as quais tenho profundo apreço e gratidão eterna. Em 2009 participei de meu primeiro curso com o querido professor e mestre Drunvalo Melchizedek em 2009. Após este primeiro curso fiz inúmeros curso com ele, inclusive Earth/Sky, Living in The Heart, Advanced Couse, além do curso em que nos contatamos com os Seres de Plasma (Plasma Beings). Após participei de cursos presenciais e online com a esposa do Drunvalo, Claudette Melchizedek, professora amável e dedicada, abrindo a minha consciência em níveis profundos chamais imagináveis *beyond imagination *. Sou eternamente grata a todos que encontrei durante todo o meu percurso . Ministro cursos do despertar do coração iluminado (ATIH) desde 2012 até hoje. Amo o que faço.

Plamen Ivanov Topuzov


Пламен Топузов е роден през осемдесета година в България. Част от детството си е прекарал в дълбокия Руски север, където духът му се пробужда за свободата и съзнанието му започва да се стреми към непрекъснат растеж. Като дете индиго, което след това е растяло по времето на социализма в България, Пламен се чувствал притиснат от системата, която ограничавала различните да израстват бързо. Но съдбата му е поднесла шанса да продължи своето земно обучение на Запад, където хората за времето си били по – свободомислещи. Новото предизвикателство било Лондон, където той е прекарал 12 години. Там имал възможност да опознае материалния свят в дълбочина, което в по – късен етап му помогнало да надскочи материята и да се обърне навътре към себе си, където се срещнал с неговите духовни Учители. В последствие разбрал, че следвал път, който е имал за цел да го срещне с Друнвало Мелхизедек. Среща, която променила целия му съзнателен живот многократно. От тогава се обучавал в различни държави и традиции по целият свят...Бали, Тайланд, Шриланка са само част от местата. През септември 2018 прекарал 10 дни с племената Коги и Ауако в Колумбия, където черпил допълнително вдъхновение от извора на живота, до който те все още имат достъп. Преди физическата среща с Друнвало, Пламен е работил и приемал, директно от древното знание на маите и по - точно от някои от техните старейшини. През декември 2012г. е бил с група пилигрими за церемония, по случай посрещането на новия цикъл. Прекарал няколко дни с дон Педро Пабло, главният и най – уважаван старейшина на маите. Присъствал е на интересни лекции и още по – вълнуващи ритуали. След тази церемония, чествали още една, предвождана от друг старейшина на маите – Хумбатц Мен. Той провел церемония по посрещането на ерата на Водолея с един от Дванайсетте Автентични Кристални Черепа. През следващата година прекарал 10 дни в друга част на Мексико с Друнвало Мелхизедек, където завършил обучението в „Школата по Припомняне“ и получил сертификат, който му дава право да провежда семинара „Пробуждане на Озареното Сърце“. Разбира се, Пламен никога не забравя, че винаги има една стъпка нагоре към Просветлението. Затова продължава да се развива и разширява съзнанието си в сферата на Рейки, life coaching, дори се развива като self help mentor. Също така се впуснал в задълбоченото изучаване на древното знание Кабала, което дава „Училището на Образите“ и през 2014 станал ученик на основателката на училището Катрин Шейнберг. В следствие на всички негови активни усилия през последните няколко години, в медитация получил знание за древна форма на лечение от великата Атлантида. Лечение, което балансира и усъвършенства чакрите чрез Светлина, в следствие, на което се премахва енергийно було около физическото тяло на човека, което му пречи да види истинската действителност. През 2015 получил "свалил" от Вселенската Информационна Банка – Акаша, информация за четирите основни измерения, които се намират в нашето ментално и емоционално тяло. Също така, как да се правят корекции в менталното и емоционалното тяло за освобождаване на блокиралата енергия там, което довежда до изчистване на личностните деформации. Така се ражда семинара – Алхимия на Съзнанието.

Camellia Val


Hello shining Souls,

 What a great blessing it is to live my soul's journey! I always knew that something very beautiful and significant will take place in this lifetime.
 My path as a teacher of School of Remembering started long ago, I can say from the day I was born, because Great Spirit already knew what my mission will be and prepared me well for this moment.
 Every turn of the road of life has brought me insights and precious gifts. In 2002 I went through major sickness and life changes, and it was then, when I awoke to the Light I am. I healed and transformed myself and my life. During that time I learned so much about myself, about principles of energy, intuitive healings, communications with crystals and the Higher Spiritual world. 
I was deeply called to offer my services to those who were ready to change their life as well. Everything that I needed to know was shown to me - I just followed the guidance. It brought me to Korea's Buddhist Temples; to Sedona for the Dahn Healing School; to Peru to work with shamans; to Yucatan to meet the Serpent of Light of the new Female Cycle of Times; to the Temples and Pyramids of Egypt to chant in Ceremonies as I did long ago in Atlantian times.
 I was greatly inspired from the work of Paramahansa Yogananda, Osho, Zi Gang Sha, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, and all the wisdom coming from the native people.
 For me, each journey was a confirmation that
 Love is the one that heals,
 Love is the one that inspires us with its power,
 Love is the one that brings peace,
 Love is the one that renews us,
 Love is the one that makes us certain without a doubt,
 Love is the one that harmonizes our differences
 Love is coming only from the Heart.

 Still something was missing - how do we create the New World of Love, Beauty and Harmony? How do we enter into ascension together and create the reality of One United Consciousness? I am deeply grateful that in that time of questioning Great Spirit presented Drunvalo Melchizedek and his teachings! In a brief time, many doors opened and the "impossible" become easy flow. Becoming a Certified Teacher for Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop fulfills my heart with so much joy, bliss and deep gratitude!
 My dream has become true! I feel that this work offers a beautiful, profound and yet simple way to truly open the heart and connect with the energy of Ascension. Since I became a Certified Teacher of Drunvalo's School of Remembering, I hosted more than a hundred workshops internationally, touching the hearts of hundreds of people and igniting the spark of Melchizedek Consciousness of Light! The Light of Love, that naturally unite us in One Living Being and prepare us for Ascension! 
 Let's together share the Light we are, the Love we are! Let's be together in all our differences, embrace them in harmony and create from our dreaming hearts the beautiful New World!
 With deep gratitude to Spirit and all Creation! 


Alper Caglayan


Love is the Way Home ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ I was born and raised in the beautiful and ancient lands of Turkey, immersed in a very warm and loving culture. At age 17, my Spiritual Guidance brought me to Canada to attend an international school founded for world peace. It's here that my Spiritual Journey has greatly unfolded. I have been greatly blessed to study many spiritual traditions and to have many amazing teachers and loving mentors over time. Among all my experiences, Drunvalo's teachings have always been Closest to my Heart. It's given me the greatest sense of Synchronicity and Guidance in my life and my most Sacred and Deepest Spiritual Experiences. In 1996 I took Drunvalo's first training, the Flower of Life. In those 6 days my life was completely transformed and a whole new direction entered into my being. I decided to quit my electrical engineering studies at that time and to devote my life to following my Heart. I have never looked back and it's been a most incredible and rich life journey. Even in 1996, I could feel in my Heart that I wanted to be a teacher for these most heart-centred and transformative teachings. After 18 years of closely studying Drunvalo's teachings, I'm very honoured to be one of his teachers in the School of Remembering. I'm a registered clinical counsellor in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. I feel blessed to work in private practice with individuals, families and couples and I am also a counsellor at a local community college. I facilitate Compassionate Communication workshops and practice groups. I delight in sharing these heart-centered teachings with the world. Some of my spiritual and healing studies include being a Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master, Shiatsu Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Trauma Healing Practitioner and Attachment Healing Work with Dr Diane Poole Heller. The Spiritual Teachings that have been closest to my Heart include esoteric martial arts practices, I AM Teachings of Saint Germain, Soul Journey and Radiant Rose Academy Teachings, Sufism in particular with a very beloved Turkish Sufi Teacher Serif Baba, and many Meditation and Spiritual Lineages from India. I have found my counselling training and emotional healing experiences as essential parts of my Spiritual Journey as well. In addition to offering Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshops, I regularly have Meditation Gatherings in Vancouver for everyone who is a graduate of this work. This is a wonderful Community where we have a chance to come together in unity and practice together. We are living in Extraordinary Times on Earth. Through Drunvalo's Teachings I have deeply experienced in my Heart that We are Truly One Being and Unconditional Love is the key that opens all doors. One Spirit moves through all things. That Great Spirit is in the eyes of everyone before us. The World needs us to live in our Hearts. The time is Now. I am so honoured to work with people who are attracted to these Teachings. If your Heart is calling you to this, I say Jump in with Joy and Trust. You will be jumping back Home to the most Sacred Place of Your Heart. And life begins a new with infinite possibilities. The Heart knows the Way. ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Website:

Michael Margulis


A certified teacher in the School of Remembering. Michael shares the teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek through the Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop. This helps people to remember their inherent Divinity as Infinite and Eternal Beings. Teaching people profound heart-based activations through meditation practices that awaken life changing internal technologies of the Heart. Which enables people to connect deeply with all elements of life and their own Heart - so they can live from the Heart; lovingly and soulfully - both within and without. Michael is deeply rooted in the healing art of Chinese medicine, an experienced clinician with a profound understanding of how the individual’s constitution expresses itself physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically. Michael is skilled at translating symptoms so they become way-showers, using the signs and symptoms as guidance mechanism to open the door for greater holistic health. He utilizes the imbalance and pain of the mental, emotional, and physical bodies as an opportunity for helping people understand how to live, in harmony as their unique expression as well as the external environment. From Michael's perspective imbalance and dis-ease provide important clues that render themselves to be wonderful healing opportunities for better balance and greater growth on all levels.

Akiyah Clements​


The heart level view of most of my life can be seen as an oscillation between left brain experiences and right brain experiences until I tried to combine them both by working as a computer analyst during the day and running a massage therapy and Reiki practise in the evenings. What truly brought it together was the discovery of the writings and teachings of Drunvalo Melchizedek. The teachings contained within “The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life” by Drunvalo gave credence and blessings to both sets of experiences. The balance between both sides of the brain, between the masculine and feminine became the image. After a number of workshops by and inspired by Drunvalo, including 2 Flower of Life (activating the MerKaBa), Earth Sky and an early Living in the Heart, I followed my passion to become a certified Flower of Life facilitator. I was a licensed and active Flower of Life facilitator for 10 years until Drunvalo made it clear that humanity had surpassed the need for those teachings and started training people to teach Awakening the Illuminated Heart. Yet another move towards balance where one lives, breathes and sees from the heart and from that place of Unity utilizes the whole of the brain. The first two teacher training classes did not work out for me, and I was elated when a third was organized and everything fell into place for me to attend. The experience at Lake Chapala in Mexico was yet another life changing plunge into the world as explained by Drunvalo. I am now excited to be able to offer my services as a Certified Teacher of Awakening the Illuminated Heart. There are so many beautiful teachers now spanning the globe, how to know who is the right one for you. Your heart will tell you. Listen!! What I can tell you is that, according to Dan Millman, my birth number is a 3-0 – 3, making my focus in life communication; which is perhaps why I so enjoy offering and sharing this amazing information and experience. Sharing this information and these experiences has brought me close to so many amazing people in this world – I feel totally blessed. I would love to continue the sharing with you if you if you feel drawn.

Agathi & Daniel Mitel


Agathi and Daniel are ATIH teachers and they are working very close with Drunvalo Melchizedek within the last 10 years. Daniel co-authored the "Journeys into the Heart" book with Drunvalo, while Agathi is involved in numerous projects with Drunvalo and Claudette Melchizedek. Agathi and Daniel are leading the oldest spiritual and educational school of humanity, The School of The Heart (TSOTH). TSOTH is present today in 31 countries with 195 teachers. Drunvalo Melchizedek is guiding Agathi and Daniel within the new teaching of humanity and Agathi organised the latest conference of Drunvalo with all the ATIH teachers. Numerous ATIH teachers are part of The School of the Heart and are sharing the 9 workshops that are part of the school now. Agathi and Daniel together held almost 1000 ATIH workshops teaching more than 20,000 students how to create from the heart. They are still holding global events helping people to remember who they really are. Agathi and Daniel are invited all over the world for conferences and live talk shows and recently they started a wonderful program at Awake TV where Drunvalo is together with other spiritual world leaders (Claudette, Sai Maa, etc) are going to be invited to share their wisdom. Daniel wrote some of the most important books for spiritual growth of humanity getting already the best reviews on Amazon for "Journeys Into The Heart" and "Heart Imagery" books. His last book, "Melchizedek Teachings" is considered the most updated work about spirituality on this planet. Agathi led couple of the most important projects of humanity (training for "Solar Impulse", "Intuitive Child", teaching business people to create from the heart, etc). Agathi and Daniel are also involved in teaching children and helping them to preserve their power and innocence.

Tara Sue Moore


No stranger to the challenges of today’s world, from Stockbroker to Firewalker, Tara Sue is a 20 year veteran of the Canadian financial industry, a single mother to 3, and the owner of the Spirit of Oneness wholistic teaching organization and Earth Rocks!!, Crystals and Gifts. In addition to a Commerce degree and professional financial designations, She holds certificates in Adult Education, Project Management and Change Management and is a Reiki Master and yoga instructor who practices and teaches a variety of “earth traditions”, including shamanism, drumming, crystal healing and energy work. She studies indigenous practices and has completed the initiations and received the rights of passage to become an Andean Mesa Carrier (South American Shaman) Tara facilitates several bodies of work including Heartmath (Emotional Resiliency), Awakening the Illuminated Heart (Journeying your consciousness from your head to your heart), and Whole Presence Quantum Soul Retrieval.

Ronald Louis LaPlace


Ron’s relationship to the esoteric nature of life began when he dropped out of university and instead began taking the College Lessons of the Brotherhood of the White Temple. That relationship with metaphysics continues to this day. Ron has been presenting the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek since 1998. First, as a certified facilitator for Flower of Life, then as one of only 2 teachers given permission to teach Living In the Heart and finally as a certified teacher of Awakening the Illuminated Heart since 2011. 15 years ago he also began a journey with new ways of working with sound to assist in bringing balance to the energy systems of the body - be they physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Ron assisted in developing a new technique known as the Fibonacci Process™ that brings together the knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sacred Geometry and the frequencies of the Planets. The most recent iteration of this work has now incorporated a combination of new technology and Spirit in ways that assist individuals and larger groups in finding the balance known as the Unified Field. This work is named SpiritTec™ .

Rachel Pelletier


1998 was my first encounter with Drunvalo. I knew I had to become a facilitator of the Flower of Life witch I became in 1999. Being the only French facilitator at the time, the world opened to me: France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Tchek Republic, Grece, Quebec.... more that 30 workshops a year. I was organizing workshops for Drunvalo in Quebec once, some time twice a year from 2002 to 2009 and was part of several adventures (trips) with him. Among others, going in Russia to meet with the teachings related to the kids that sees with no eyes. In 2005 Drunvalo gave me permission to give what was called at the time : Living in the Heart workshop which later became Awakening the Illuminated Heart (ATIH). My path has also brought me to a wonderful Being: Shin Shiva. Drunvalo which I got him to meet was considering that He was the greatest kundalini master on Earth that he knew. My life dedication is to help this Humanity to remember Who they are and find the sacred Heart, key to this actual transformation we are in.

Daniela Seguel Montoya


Daniela Seguel , Diseñadora Arquitectónica Master en Historia , Master en Bio Arquitectura , Experta en Geometria Sagrada , Maestra de Kundalini Yoga. Desde el año 2013 es parte de la escuela de Drunvalo Melchizedek para dictar sus enseñanzas.

Gladys Diaz Armijo


Mi nombre es Gladys Díaz. Nací en un pueblito precordillerano, campesino y minero, cerca de los verdes campos de trigo, de grandes nogales y de cerros color turqueza, preñados de cobre. Recuerdo como entretención preferente en esa infancia lejana, desafiar al viento, a todo galope mientras mi caballo tragaba lejanías, hasta llegar a la nieve. Crecí arropada con fogones, junto a mujeres viejas que contaban historias mágicas de ángeles, gnomos y elementales. Eramos una con la Madre Tierra .Eramos y somos. Me enamoré de las teorías de la Comunicación y me titulé como Licenciada y Periodista, en la Universidad de Chile. Recorrí el mundo, las redacciones de diarios, radios y revistas. Disfruté ser reportera, comentarista y directora. Académica e investigadora. Llegó el tiempo de hacer cambios profundos, de descubrir que no se puede recuperar lo femenino desdibujado en tantas luchas, sin reencontrarse con la espiritualidad, sin aprender que estamos de paso, y que somos eternos. Mientras dirigía una escuela de Periodismo universitaria y recorría el cono sur de América como corresponsal de un diario europeo, descubrí atajos importantes y liberadores Me hice facilitadora de distintos talleres. Conocí los alcances de las glándulas pineal y pituitaria, desarrollé la capacidad de enseñar a meditar a los niños. Me hice instructora de la Técnica del “Magnified Healing”, profesional del “EMF Balancing”, Profesional de la TRE (“Terapia de Repuesta Espiritual”), Radiestesia y Técnicas curativas de la Cruz Ankh. Y más. Desde el año 2000, impartí el taller “Flor de la Vida”, dando a conocer en Chile, el mensaje sabio y permanente de Drunvalo Melchizedek. Durante cuatro años y medio, a partir del 2004, edité, dirigí y fui propietaria de la revista “Espiral Aurea”, destinada a propiciar la elevación de la conciencia, amor a la Madre Tierra, formas de vida natural, respeto a la sabiduría ancestral de los pueblos originarios, el proceso de la ascensión dimensional, Medicina complementaria y psicoenergética, etc. Volvì a aprender con Drunvalo, en Chapala, su taller:DESPERTANDO EL CORAZON ILUMINADO. y con esa enseñanza-aprendizaje he vivido y visto vivir lo supremo, la elevaciòn de la conciencia, el UNO con el TODO. Ya en los últimos años, regresé a la Universidad, a estudiar Psicología, y me titulé en la UNIACC (Universidad Privada chilena). Ejerzo como Psicóloga clínica, administrando también terapias complementarias, como el EMDR, regresiones, técnicas energéticas,etc. Tengo un hijo budista y dos nietos mellizos también budistas.

Ana María Milán


Madre, abuela, ser humano, mi formación formal fue en Psicología y posteriormente he desarrollado labores en diversas modalidades de terapias bioenergéticas y medicina vibracional. Mi labor se engrandeció con mi formación como estudiante directa de Drunvalo Melchizedek desde 2008. La maestría en Despertando el Corazón Iluminado acompaña toda mi labor y todo mi ser, y desde ahí ofrezco mis dones. Recuerdo mi corazón en todo instante, alli somos Un Sólo Ser con toda la vida a cada instante ✨

Helmuth Shakhtour Bohem


Helmuth Shakhtour es Arquitecto , Master en Bio Arquitectura , experto en Geometria Sagrada, Coach , Guia Espiritual , Yogui , Empresario Consciente Desde el año 2004 ha estudiado la ciencia de la Geometría Sagrada y su aplicación a la arquitectura moderna y el ser humano. Actualmente ha dictado conferencias en Universidades Chilenas y extrajeras mostrando en profundidad el estudio y aplicación de la geometría sagrada. Desde el año 2013 es parte de la escuela del recordar ( school of remembering), certificados por Drunvalo Melchizedeck para dictar sus talleres en chile y el mundo.

Ru Shui


Ru Shui (original name: Tian Yumei) is an internationally renowned spiritual mentor and a prominent figure in the field of psychological healing and corporate consulting in China. She is the founder of "Dao Xing He Yi Spiritual Home" (established in 2009) and "Ru Shui Psychological Rehabilitation Hospital" (established in 2019). Ru Shui holds several international certifications, including: - Certified Family Constellation Facilitator - Certified Organizational Constellation Facilitator - Meditation and Breathwork Healing Facilitator - Mind-Body-Spirit Healer She serves as a mentor and professor at the Chinese Human Resources Research Association and as a guest professor at the Economic Development Research Center of the China Academy of Management Science. Additionally, she is an energy psychologist and healing practitioner. Ru Shui has been a globally certified mentor of "Awakening the Illuminated Heart," a program from the School of Remembering in the United States. From 2013 to 2015, she underwent three consecutive years of professional training in Sedona, Arizona, under Drunvalo Melchizedek to support global consciousness ascension. She is also a certified teacher in the Human Design System, as taught in Spain, and an advisor to entrepreneurs and facilitator for team emotional stress reduction. Ru Shui has over 20 years of experience studying traditional Confucian, Buddhist, and Taoist cultures and experienced a spiritual awakening in 2006, recognizing the oneness of the universe. Since then, she has dedicated herself to serving life. In 2007, she studied Family Constellations under Bert Hellinger, and from 2011, she trained in Organizational Constellations with Jane Peterson, co-leading the first Organizational Constellation Facilitator Training program in mainland China. Over the past 20 years, Ru Shui has traveled to many countries, including India, the United States, Germany, Brazil, Greece, Thailand, and Malaysia, exploring the truth of life and serving the awakening of human consciousness. From 2015 to 2024, she completed ten consecutive years of nine-day meditation retreats in darkness, accumulating 85 days of darkness retreats to purify her consciousness and better support the awakening of life. Ru Shui has conducted thousands of workshops in various cities across China, including Beijing, Wuhan, Shanghai, Wuxi, Guangzhou, Harbin, and Changchun. She has helped tens of thousands of individuals through one-on-one sessions, supporting various groups such as corporate teams, educators, students, couples, and partners to overcome life's challenges, explore inwardly, achieve harmony in body and mind, improve relationships, and attain prosperity. She has also nurtured a generation of mentors dedicated to serving life. ~ 如水(原名:田玉梅) 国际资深灵性导师 道行合一心灵家园创始人(2009年) 如水心理康复医院创始人(2019年) 国际认证家族系统排列导师 国际认证企业组织系统排列导师 静心呼吸疗愈导师 身心灵疗愈师 中国人力资源研究会聘任导师教授 美国记忆学校《唤醒明亮之心》全球认证导师 (2013年,2014年,2015年连续三年在美国圣多纳,接受德隆瓦洛.麦基瑟德专业训练,为全球意识扬升提供专业的工作) 西班牙体系《人类图》认证导师 企业家顾问 团队情绪减压带领者 中国管理科学研究院经济发展研究中心客座教授 心理学能量疗愈师 如水老师有20多年儒释道传统文化的修习,2006年有了觉醒的体验,经历宇宙万物一体,致力于服务生命。 2007年,如水导师,师从海灵格学习家族系统排列。 并于2011年起师从珍·彼得生学习组织系统排列,并与之合作完成在中国大陆首次组织系统排列导师培训项目。 这20年期间,如水老师走访世界各地,远达印度,美国,德国,巴西,西腊,泰国,马来西亚等国家,只为探索生命的真相,为人类的意识觉醒服务。 从2015年开始到2024年连续十年每年九天九夜闭黒关,十年间连续黑关体验85天。只为让自己的意识越来越纯粹,更好的为服务生命觉醒提供支持。 在北京、武汉、上海、无锡、广州、哈尔滨、长春等多个城市举办各类工作坊数千场,处理个案上万人次多,支持各类团体、企业团队、教师、学生、夫妻、合作伙伴等突破人生困境,向内探索,让身心和谐,关系圆满,财富丰盛,培养了一批有志于服务生命的导师。 助理联系方式:13364479379 同微信 13578754688 同微信 微信号:daoxingheyi 邮箱: #如水疗愈空间 #如水导师 #如水家庭关系 如水疗愈空间,如水导师,如水家庭关系是微信视频号有很多视频和直播回放 -- 发自我的网易邮箱手机智能版 ...

Zien Ding


Awakening The illuminated Heart Teacher Psychological Counselor Life Number Consultant In 2009, I studied the Universe Energy Health Method with Tsai Gui-mei teacher from Taiwan. In 2010, I studied at Oneness University. In 2013, I participated in the Bright Heart Teacher Training hosted by Delonvallo in Mexico. In 2015, I studied the Universe Grace Course in Sant Donat. In 2019, I studied Taoist exercises with my Taoist teacher. In 2024, I will study Shu Yi Fa in Hong Kong, study psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and obtain a counselor certificate.

Susan Chan 陈珊

China, Dali, Yunnan P.R

As a certified instructor of the Memory Institute, Susan is deeply honored and grateful for the opportunity to serve the global Chinese-speaking community with Druvalo Melchelzidek's teachings at this unique juncture in time and space. Her own spiritual awakening occurred in 2012 through the activation of the Merkaba, leading her consciousness back to the source of the universe and enabling her to explore infinite possibilities as a creator. She aims to share this experience with all who seek it. Druvalo Melchelzidek, the first individual to introduce "Wake Up the Bright Heart" to Greater China, graciously accepted Susan's request and conducted an exclusive teacher training session for Memory Academy in Saint-Dona in July 2013, resulting in several "Wake up the Bright Heart" teachers emerging in China. Drawing from years of studying Druvalo Melchelzidek's teachings, she has integrated traditional Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism into life wisdom curriculum systems such as "From The Heart" and "Holographic Life Wisdom Law". These are designed to support individuals spiritually initiated into Flower of Life series teachings by facilitating their ability to live out life's gifts while journeying towards higher consciousness within their hearts. Over the past decade, Susan has led over 100 meditation sessions and study tours that have directly impacted numerous entrepreneurs, scientists, politicians, doctors, lawyers, parents as well as individuals dealing with depression or chronic illnesses. Her guidance has prevented numerous divorces and facilitated business upgrades or successful entrepreneurial ventures through awareness-raising counseling methods. Susan is dedicated to contributing towards advancing human civilization into cosmic civilization. She warmly invites you to join her classes and partake in life’s miracles ❤️.



As a globally certified instructor of "Awakening the Illuminated Heart" from the School of Remembering, Carla Xie Hao is deeply honored and grateful to serve the global Chinese-speaking community at this pivotal moment in time, harnessing the synergy of spirituality and technology. Her spiritual awakening began in 2005, and through years of spiritual journeys and studies around the world, she gradually guided her consciousness back to the source of the universe, embarking on a journey to explore infinite creativity. Carla’s vision is to share this profound awareness with all who seek spiritual growth. As the founder of the Light Civilization platform and a globally certified instructor of “Journey into the Heart," Carla has forged deep connections with masters such as Drunvalo Melchizedek. In December 2012, she participated in the “Earth Ascension” mission at the Mayan ruins in Mexico, where she witnessed and took part in a cosmic energy transformation ceremony—an experience that profoundly shaped her spiritual path. Throughout her spiritual journey, Carla has successfully integrated eastern ancient wisdom such as Buddhism and Taoism with advanced Western spiritual teachings, applying this knowledge to her teachings and guidance. Her courses are designed to support individuals on their path to spiritual awakening, helping them elevate their consciousness, find meaning in the material world, and achieve greater inner awareness and balance. Over the past decade, Carla has traveled extensively across the United States, China, and Europe, exploring, disseminating, and promoting the integration of high-frequency energy and cutting-edge technology. Her spiritual influence has touched countless entrepreneurs, scientists, spiritual teachers, and ordinary individuals, helping them discover new direction and inspiration in both their personal and professional lives. Carla is committed to raising human consciousness, advancing Earth's ascension, and guiding the evolution of human civilization. She warmly invites you to join her courses and explore the miracles and infinite possibilities that life has to offer.
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