Welcome to Remembering The Heart!, a unified, online location created by the global community of ATIH (Awakening the Illuminated Heart) teachers, where in we share our work, our individual websites and our contact information for anyone who wishes to find and contact an ATIH teacher in their chosen country or city.
ALL officially certified and trained ATIH teachers have been invited to be part of this list. Each was taught and guided in person by Drunvalo Melchizedek to be certified to teach and facilitate this sacred work.
Some teachers teach mainly in one particular country and others give workshops in a variety of countries worldwide.
When you enter a teacher’s name or a chosen country, you will be presented with either an individual teacher or all teachers for any given country that you enter into the searchbox.
The workshop synthesises and crystallises information and practices from thousands of years of the practice of diverse spiritual traditions and lineages, utilising the most relevant and important elements from all to enable anyone to take the path that many of the Ascended Masters have taken into a greater awareness of the reality.
An essential part of the experience is that it may trigger one's individual memories of how and why we came here to Earth
so that we may navigate through the current times we are all living in, remembering our innate ability to co-create with life
while centred in the unified field of the “Tiny Space” within our Heart~the space of non polarity within Creation.
The 4 or 5 day workshop presents - experientially - a universally known pathway of 'ascension', a way of consciously re-Awakening the human Light-body, also known as the Merkaba, of consciously, organically, energetically re-wiring and re-connecting the ancient fundamental pathway between the Heart and the brain, enabling the brain to partner with the heart, and of re-visiting, remembering and 'moving' ones spirit into the Tiny Space within our Hearts with full awareness.
Through this comes a remembering of the ancient way of perceiving the reality from the images, sensing, knowing & feeling
which is ever-present and created from within our infinitely wise Hearts.
It is an experiential remembering of the fundamental interconnectedness of all life.
Please feel free to browse through the global ATIH teachers list and visit their websites, or contact them directly to enquire with any questions or to book a place on one of their upcoming 'in person' or online workshops.
Workshop Images :
ATIH teachers training with Drunvalo Melchizedek in Sedona, AZ.
ATIH teachers training with Drunvalo Melchizedek in Sedona, AZ.